Forefoot (Ball of Foot) Pain
Forefoot (Ball of Foot) Pain
Metatarsalgia is a general term used to describe pain in the ball of the foot. However, this is a broad term and does not give a specific area or diagnosis related to the pain. There are many structures in the forefoot that can be susceptible to injury and hence produce pain. Symptoms often include localised sharp shooting pain in the long bones or the balls of the feet. Symptoms occur when the outer layer of bone becomes inflamed and damaged when exposed to excessive, repetitive stress. This could occur when the metatarsal lengths are uneven or the metatarsals are prominent such as the case in a high arched foot or due to high heeled shoes. Also, as we get older, the fat pad on the ball of our foot tends to thin out, decreasing the natural cushioning in the foot and making us much more susceptible to pain in the ball of the foot.
-Morton’s Neuroma: Neuromas in the foot are a benign enlargement of the digital nerves that most commonly affects the nerves in between the 3rd and 4th metatarsals. Symptoms usually include shooting, burning pains in the toes along with numbness. Pain is often worse when wearing tight footwear and when walking. Neuromas are associated with excessive flexibility of the foot joints. This hypermobility in the forefoot results in the bones rubbing on the nerves and this frictional force causes the nerves to get thicker. As the friction persists, the nerve continues to enlarge and symptoms get worse and occur more frequently.
-Sesamoiditis: This is a painful inflammatory complaint that affects the two small bones directly under the big toe joint. This is caused when the joint is exposed to excessive pressure. This commonly occurs in active people or people with higher arches and dropped metatarsals.
At Revesby Podiatry we can help:
- Short and Long term pain relief with padding, strapping and orthotic use
- Treatment involves allowing the metatarsals to spread
- In severe neuroma cases surgery may be required
- Advice on how to best manage the pain