Frequently Asked Questions
Revesby Podiatry Clinic – Foot & Ankle Clinic
What do podiatrists do?
Podiatrists are primary health care professionals who treat disorders of the feet and lower limbs. They also treat problems that the feet might cause elsewhere in the body – for example the knees, shins, thighs, buttocks and lower back.
Podiatrists treat conditions resulting from bone and joint disorders such as arthritis. In addition they can offer soft tissue and muscular pathologies and treat diseases that affect the neurological and circulatory systems.
Podiatrists treat nail and skin disorders of the foot that may be primary or secondary in nature.
All of our podiatrists are registered with the NSW Podiatry Registration Board, are members of the Australian Podiatry Association and participate in continuous professional education and development.
Do I need a referral from my doctor?
No. A referral is not required to make an appointment. However, if your doctor refers you, our correspondence will be forwarded to them regarding your appointment. If you are a DVA client (which means your health care needs are supported by the Department of Veteran Affairs) you will need to bring your DVA card for identification and the correct paper work from your doctor, to be eligible for funded services.
Can my private health fund cover podiatry?
Yes. Private health funds can cover podiatry, depending on your level of cover. Your health fund will tell you about your personal entitlements to podiatry fees. Our HICAPS facility allows our clinic to claim directly from your private health fund at the time of your treatment. All you need to do is pay is the gap.
Can Medicare cover podiatry?
Medicare now can cover your visit if you are part of the Enhanced Primary Care Program. This will need to be discussed with your doctor. If you are classified as having a chronic medical condition (for example, diabetes) and you obtain an Enhanced Primary Care Plan (EPC) from your doctor, Medicare may pay for up to five-allied health visits annually. Check with your doctor and if you are eligible bring your EPC plan with you on your next visit. Revesby Podiatry – Foot and Ankle Clinic bulk bills all EPC plans and there is no gap fee!
Do you have wheelchair access?
Yes we are wheelchair accessible.
What should I bring to my appointment?
Any medical reports or referrals and x-rays or scans that relate to your concern should be brought to the appointment.
What should I wear to my appointment?
Please wear clothing that you are comfortable in – preferably something that will allow us to see your feet and legs with ease. Bring footwear that you have been wearing (or wish to wear) and any previous orthotic shoes if you would like us to reassess them for you.
What can I expect from my first consultation?
When you arrive for your consultation your podiatrist will discuss your concerns with you in detail. This will be followed by a physical examination of the area of concern and you will be guided through a series of simple and quick tests. Your podiatrist will then share the diagnosis and recommended treatment plan which may commence straight away or be scheduled for a future appointment.
Will the consultation hurt?
The majority of patients will experience no pain at all in a general consultation. Our practitioners use non invasive techniques to treat you as comfortably as possible.
Are EPC care plans bulk billed?
Yes, all EPC care plans are bulk billed at Revesby Podiatry – Foot and Ankle Clinic