Diabetes Assessments

Diabetes Assessments

Diabetes is a condition where if the elevated blood glucose levels are not controlled it can place an individual at higher risk of developing serious foot problems. The potential risks are related to the systemic effect of diabetes on the lower limb which include:

  • Reduced blood supply to the feet Diabetes can affect the arteries of the body by causing them to narrow. If the large arteries of the legs are narrowed, less blood is circulated to the feet which is a condition called peripheral vascular disease. Decreased blood supply means healing rates for wounds, cuts and abrasions is longer and therefore increases the risk of infections making it harder for the body to fight those infections.
  • Reduced sensation in the feet Diabetes can affect the peripheral nerves of the body, particularly the sensory or feeling nerves. If the diabetes is not well controlled a potential risk is developing a condition called peripheral neuropathy, whereby the nerves in the feet are less able to sense damage to the feet. Someone with peripheral neuropathy may cut or injure their foot and not be aware of it. The area may become increasingly damaged and infected with no warning signs that there is a problem as they do not feel the damage or pain in their feet.

Revesby Podiatry provides comprehensive treatment, monitoring and reporting of diabetic feet. Annual foot check-ups – A diabetic foot assessment occurs every 12 months or more often if required. This involves vascular and neurological testing that enables us to determine your foot status and identify potential risks for you. Vascular testing includes doppler ultrasound tests checking blood flow and rate to the feet and other cursory tests. Neurological tests used include monofilament and vibration testing to identify and prevent peripheral neuropathy.

Regular foot treatment – Once your foot health status is determined, regular foot care may be prescribed by your podiatrist on an ongoing basis. This can include correct nail cutting, removal of calluses and debridement of corns and overall foot advice. For many, these services are claimable under Medicare with NO GAP FEE CHARGED.

Better Foot Care is Our Mission

8/4 MacArthur Avenue Revesby, NSW, 2212
